Instead of Hating Your Body, You Could Be Doing These 24 Things


Among the many reasons I decided to dedicate my life and business to helping women stop obsessing about food and hating their bodies, the most powerful one was probably that I saw how much time and energy I wasted on trying to change myself.

Time I could have spent building a business, meditating, planning a vacation, day dreaming, drawing, or anything else that would have been more relaxing, fulfilling, and happy-making.

When I realized this, I thought, “I must tell every woman right this second!”

However, it’s not that easy to do, so instead I’m telling one reader, one client at a time. Today it’s your turn to hear my message.

I believe women are an all-powerful force. But instead of using our energy for good, so many of us are using it to focus on weight loss, “toning up,” or trying to figure out if grass-fed butter is really paleo or not.

Stop it.

When we collectively shift our intentions away from attaining the perfect body and toward fulfilling our greatest hopes, doing good, being present, and pursuing our passions, well, I really believe we can change things, big things. We can change the world.

We can change the world

I’m going to give you a list of 24 things you can do instead of hating your body, but know that the list is truly endless.

  1. Fly a kite
  2. Start a print-making business
  3. Go camping in the Sierras
  4. Learn to rock climb
  5. Go sky diving
  6. Buy a bathing suit and use it to go swimming!
  7. Paint your nails
  8. Organize your family photos
  9. Adopt a pet
  10. Play an hour of World of Warcraft
  11. Cook something that is delicious and actually eat it (instead of just feeding it to your family or neighbors)
  12. Try a new sport
  13. Sign up for a pottery class
  14. Read a book that has nothing to do with fitness or health
  15. Write a book
  16. Gather leaves and wildflowers and press them in the pages of a big, heavy book, only to find them later and be reminded of a happy day
  17. Call your mother/best friend from high school/sister/brother/child
  18. Learn to juggle
  19. Curl up with a mug of hot tea and watch your favorite show
  20. Dream about where you want to be in five years
  21. Plan your retirement
  22. Reread your old diaries (if you’re anything like me, they will embarrass the heck out of you, but hey, it’s better than spending time hating your body)
  23. Hug someone
  24. Tell someone else they’re good enough the way they are, no matter what their body size and shape (and then remind yourself)

Your challenge: Leave a comment about what you could do with the time and energy you have wasted worrying about your weight, then share this article with someone who could use it.

And, as always, I would love it if you would share this with the women in your life who need to hear this very important message. Thank you.

One Comment Add yours

  1. rose g says:

    I like to explore body image and healthy living in the work i do with females. Recently I have suggested things to shift negative thoughts like: watch a plane in the sky and spend some time thinking about where its headed, what those people are doing…and so on. I also drive by a home each day with starfish on the window sills and I wonder where they each came from. Takes up some time and moves away from snacking or hacking on what you might have done wrong that day in the way of healthy living.


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